Category PC Security

fighting spam

Fighting Spam How prevalent is Spam? According to Scott McAdams, OMA Public Affairs and Communications Department ( Studies show unsolicited or junk e-mail, known as spam, accounts for roughly half of all e-mail messages received. Although once regarded as little…

Fighting Spam

How prevalent is Spam? According to Scott McAdams, OMA Public Affairs andCommunications Department (“Studies show unsolicited or “junk” e-mail, known as spam, accounts for roughly half ofall e-mail messages received. Although once regarded as little more than a nuisance, theprevalence…

Department of Defense Crackdown on Security

The top commander of the department of Defense network operations just ordered acrackdown on security. According to a recent article by NetworkWorld on January16,2006, Lt. General Charles Croom is quoted as saying, “The attacks are coming fromeverywhere and they’re getting…